The transfer of Gareth Bale to the Real Madrid for 99 million euros fascinates you ? Maybe you’ll find these other figures about Spanish football less exciting…
- 6 billion euros : total debt of the spanish football clubs, of which 3,5 billions are only for the League, the most in debt championship in the world.
- 752 et 600 millions d’€: debt of the football clubs to the Public Spanish treasure and the Social Security.
- 450 million euros : debt of Real Madrid, for 24,4 millions euros of benefits in 2012.
- 335 million euros : debt of Barça, for 40 million euros of benefits in 2012.
- 9 : number of titles won by Real or Barça during the 10 last championships.
- 22 : number of Spanish clubs in suspension of payments in 2012, over 23 in Europe.
- 35% : share of incomes from the TV rights that Spanish clubs have to use for the repayment of the tax arrears, starting with the 2014-2015 season.
- 94 million euros : record amount of Cristiano Ronaldo’s transfer from Manchester United to Real, with a salary of 19 million euros all bonus included. In September 2012, Ronaldo declared himself a little sad after one of his club’s victory against Grenade: it seems that the insufficiency of his incomes are causing this distress.
- 62% : decrease of the amounts invested for the 2012 market.
- 4 million euros : suspected tax fraud of Lionel Messi, who was then pursuit by the Spanish Public Treasury.
For Javier Gómez, journalist on La Sexta TV, these figures prove that Spanish football too is taken by the speculative madness. To be discovered soon in NO ES UNA CRISIS !
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